This past month I’ve been doing my devotions reading the book of Philippians and it’s challenging me on every level of my life as a Christ follower. Even though I’ve been a Christ follower now for about 40 plus years; if I’m not careful I can go from “relationship” to “religion” without noticing the gradual slide. It’s so easy to get distracted from what’s really important. One verse in particular that rocked Christian world and life is found in Philippians 3:3 which says,
“For we are the circumcision who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” Wow! Three things, which those who are in “relationship” with God do, versus those who are in “religion” who don’t do.
- Worship!
- Rejoice!
- And put no confidence in the flesh!
And you need all three to be in an intimate, personal relationship with God!
I’m convinced that a true follower of God has all three of these characteristics operating on a consistent basis in their lives. In other words my life needs to reflect an attitude of worship! A lifestyle where I don’t just go through the motions but meaning it from the heart! God doesn’t just want me physically; he wants my heart and my soul! (And man am I challenged to reflect the joy of knowing Jesus)! My life should not be characterized by discouragement, depression, or a victim mentality. (So many who claim to be Christ followers live this way). The bottom line is that if I lost everything but still had my relationship with Jesus then I have a reason to rejoice. Worship is needed! Rejoicing is needed!
But also, I should never put my hope in the arm of the flesh. Yes, use my talents! Yes, use my gifts and abilities, but put on my trust and confidence in the flesh….no! Certainly, we should do all we can and give it our very best; but always remembering what Paul said in Philippians 2:13
“For it is GOD WHO WORKS IN YOU both to will and to do for His good pleasure”. When I’m living in the will of God my life should be filled with praise, joy, and trust so that God gets all the glory!
For me, one of the ways I’m learning to “worship more intently”, “rejoice with more passion;” and “putting no confidence in the flesh” is by living my life through the lens and the grid of eternity! You see, in life, it doesn’t really matter how long you live…what matters is…how you live! It’s not the “duration” of your life that matters; it’s the “donation” of your life. I’m learning (and you would think I would have learned this by now), that there is no way I could ever accomplish what God had called me to do on my own. It’s WAY bigger than me! So how are you doing these days with worship? Are you living a life of joy, rejoicing in your relationship with God through Christ? Are you trying to do what God has called you to do on your own? Why not commit today to serve God where you are with a worshipful and joyful heart that is trusting completely in God!
BTW – When I’m doing all three of these….my STRESS LEVEL goes way down and the JOY goes way up! Three things….three choices….what are you going to choose to do?