Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Reading The Red

For about two months now I’ve been “reading the red” (the words of Jesus) and specifically the Sermon on the Mount; and I have to tell you that Jesus is turning my world upside down. I’ve read the Sermon on the Mount many, many times but I’ve never approached reading it and meditating on it like what Bill Hyble’s describes as “saturation reflection”. For me, that means reading the Sermon on the Mount everyday for the rest of 2010.

A few days ago as I was reading I stopped at Matthew 5:46. I had one of those “aha” moments when God zeroed in on my heart like a laser and I knew the Holy Spirit would not let me leave this verse. I had to ask myself some very tough questions. Am I applying this verse to my life as a pastor and as a person? How well is love operating in my life when it comes to “all people”? 

If I'm being honest - it’s easy for me to love those who love and appreciate me back. But what about when people wrong me, or say unkind things, or become very critical? My first reaction when people hurt me or do unkind things is to retaliate and get even. (I hate to admit that but it’s true). I guess I didn’t realize how much Jesus raised the bar regarding relationships in this one verse. According to Jesus, just loving those who love me - well even the tax collectors do that…ouch…!  That doesn’t take much effort at all. There's nothing great about that. But CHOOSING to LOVE the unlovable, that’s a whole different thing all together.

What Jesus is teaching me though is that when I do that I’m positioning myself to be like my heavenly Father. What He is asking me to do is to have the kind of love that is all-inclusive that really does SEEK THE GOOD OF ALL. It doesn’t mean that I’m best friends with everyone, but I do seek THE BEST for them. Jesus is saying that instead of following the example of sinners who love only those who love them, I’m to be like my heavenly Father in also loving those who don’t love me! I can only do that with His help.

I love "reading the red"!